Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that has been gaining traction in the health and wellness world. It has a range of potential benefits, including improved energy levels, reduced inflammation, and better blood sugar control.

But before you start taking ALA supplements, it’s important to understand the possible side effects and counter-indications associated with this powerful antioxidant.

Side Effects

The most common side effects associated with alpha lipoic acid are relatively mild. They include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, heartburn, skin rash, and dizziness.

Most people experience only mild side effects when taking ALA supplements in recommended doses. However, it's important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplement as everyone's body chemistry is unique and reactions can vary from person to person.

The daily recommended dose of alpha lipoic acid ranges from 300 mg to 1 gram per day. It is usually taken in divided doses throughout the day or all at once before bedtime. Keep in mind that higher doses may cause more severe side effects and should be avoided unless specifically directed by a healthcare provider.

Weight Gain & Who Should Not Take ALA

Alpha lipoic acid does not cause weight gain on its own; however, some studies have linked it to increased appetite.

Therefore, if you are prone to overeating or have difficulty controlling your food intake, ALA may not be the best choice for you as it can exacerbate these issues.

Additionally, pregnant women should avoid taking ALA as there is not enough research available on its safety during pregnancy.

Counter Indications / Drug Interactions

Alpha lipoic acid can interact with certain medications including diabetes drugs (insulin), thyroid hormones (levothyroxine), chemotherapy drugs (methotrexate), antibiotics (penicillin) and antacids (omeprazole).

Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen as they will be able to provide personalized advice tailored specifically to your individual needs and medical history.


Alpha lipoic acid can potentially improve energy levels and reduce inflammation; however, like any supplement, it comes with potential side effects and counter-indications that need to be taken into consideration before beginning use.

It’s always best practice to speak with a healthcare professional prior to using any dietary supplement so that you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you based on your age, lifestyle habits, health concerns, etc.

With the right information at hand, you can make a smart choice about whether or not alpha lipoic acid is right for you!

And, as always, keep on reading...

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