You’ve heard of it, you’ve seen it, and you may have even tried it. It's spirulina—the blue-green algae superfood that is a popular supplement among the health-conscious.

But what do we really know about this so-called “miracle food?” Does spirulina have any side effects? Can you take too much? What are the counter-indications? Is spirulina good for your digestive health?

All valid questions and we’re here to answer them! Let’s dive into the world of spirulina and see what this blue-green algae can do for us…and to us!

The Basics of Spirulina

Spirulina is an incredibly nutrient-dense food source, containing high levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

It is made up of two species of blue-green algae—Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima—that are found in warm, alkaline lakes around the world.

The most common use for spirulina is as a dietary supplement in powder or tablet form; however, it can also be added to smoothies or other recipes as an extra nutritional boost.

The Benefits vs. Side Effects of Spirulina

It's no surprise that there are many potential benefits associated with consuming spirulina on a regular basis.

In addition to its high concentration of nutrients (including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, copper, and iron), spirulina has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, enhanced metabolism, and weight loss support.

Some studies have even suggested that spirulina can help reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system.

However, there are some side effects associated with taking too much spirulina that you should be aware of before adding this supplement to your diet regimen.

These include nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and headaches.

For this reason, it is not recommended for pregnant women or those who suffer from certain medical conditions such as kidney disease or diabetes.

Additionally, those who are allergic to seafood may find that they experience an allergic reaction when consuming large amounts of Spirulina due to its similarities in composition to seafood proteins.

The recommended daily dose for adults is 3-5 grams per day; however this number will vary depending on individual needs and medical history (so make sure you check with your doctor first!).

When taken in moderation as part of a balanced diet plan and/or supplementation strategy (as approved by your doctor) there should not be any major risks associated with consuming Spirulina on a regular basis - just make sure not to overdo it!

As far as weight loss goes – while some people report seeing positive results when taking Spirulina regularly – there isn't enough scientific evidence yet to say that taking this supplement alone will result in substantial weight loss or sustained improvements in metabolic health over time.


All things considered–spirulina can be a great way to get an extra boost of vitamins and minerals into your diet–but how much you take should depend on your individual needs (as determined by medical professionals).

So if you're thinking about incorporating some blue-green algae into your daily routine–make sure you do your research first–and always consult with a doctor before making any major changes to your diet!

That way we can all keep our bodies healthy without letting Spirulina spiral out of control!

And, as always, keep on reading...

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