Pregnenolone is a hormone precursor that helps to create other hormones. It’s been used for decades to treat everything from low libido to depression and even Alzheimer’s.

But does pregnenolone have side effects, and what should you know before taking it? Let’s take a closer look.

Side Effects of Pregnenolone

The good news is that pregnenolone is generally considered safe when taken as directed. However, there are some side effects associated with pregnenolone use, including headaches, fatigue, nausea, and insomnia.

In addition, pregnenolone can interfere with the body’s natural production of other hormones like testosterone and estrogen, which can lead to further complications down the road.

Affect on Thyroid Function

Pregnenolone may also adversely affect thyroid function in some people. Specifically, it has been linked to an increased risk of hypothyroidism due to its ability to interfere with the body’s ability to produce hormones like triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

If you already have thyroid issues, it’s best to avoid taking pregnenolone or talk with your doctor first before taking it.

Dosage Considerations

The daily recommended dose of pregnenolone is 50 mg-200 mg per day for adults 18 and over. However, children should not take pregnenolone unless specifically directed by their doctor. As always, be sure to read the label carefully and follow all directions when taking any supplement - including pregnenolone!  

Additionally, do not exceed the recommended dosage as this could lead to serious health complications such as liver damage or even death in extreme cases.  

It's also important to note that pregnant women should never take pregnenolone without consulting their doctor first as it could cause birth defects or other complications during pregnancy.

Who Should Not Take It

Finally, certain individuals should avoid taking pregnenolone altogether due to its potential risks or interactions with certain medications they may be taking.

These include people who are pregnant or breastfeeding; those who are at risk for heart disease; those who have had recent surgery; those currently using blood thinners; those currently using anticoagulants; and those who have liver disease or kidney disease.  

Again, if you fall into one of these categories it's important that you consult your doctor before taking any supplement - including pregnenolone!   And if you're ever unsure about the safety of any supplement - speak up! Better safe than sorry!


While generally considered safe when taken as directed - there are several things you need to consider before adding pregnenolone supplements into your daily routine - especially if you're pregnant or breastfeeding; at risk for heart disease; recently had surgery; currently using blood thinners/anticoagulants; or have liver/kidney disease.

Be sure to read labels carefully and follow all directions when taking any supplement - including pregnenolone!

And, as always, keep on reading...

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