Looking for a great plant-based protein powder?

Pea protein is one of the best sources of plant-based protein available today. It’s low in carbs and calories, and it has a mild flavor that makes it perfect for adding to smoothies, shakes, and other recipes.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the three best pea protein powders on the market today.

We will also include our handy Buyer’s Guide with the most frequently asked questions about Pea Protein Powders and our brilliant answers to them. Then we will reveal our top choice for the best of the best in Pea Protein Powders and why. Let’s get started.

How we choose our WOW products

It can be hard to find a good quality protein powder that doesn't have any artificial sweeteners or other unhealthy ingredients. Protein powders are a popular way to increase your protein intake, but not all protein powders are created equal.

After reading thousands of reviews on Amazon, we have found the best pea protein powders that are healthy, affordable, and delicious. Here are our top three choices.

Best Overall Quality

Naked Pea 100% Pea Protein Powder

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Naked Pea 100% Pea Protein Powder

Best Overall Quality

Why We Are “Wow-ed” By It

Looking for a delicious, all-natural protein powder that's perfect for Vegans and Vegetarians? Look no further than Naked Pea Protein Powder!

Made from 100% yellow peas grown on environmentally friendly farms in both the USA and Canada, this protein powder is GMO-Free, Soy Free, and Gluten-Free.

And because it contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors, it's the perfect way to get all the protein you need without any of the unhealthy junk.

Best of all, it mixes easily and tastes great, so you'll never have to force yourself to choke down another boring protein shake again.

What “Wow Factors” You Should Know About

Naked Pea protein powder is the perfect way to get your daily dose of protein, whether you're shaking it up in a smoothie or adding it to your favorite recipes.

With 27g of protein and 5.7g of BCAAs per serving, it's perfect for those looking to build muscle and recover from workouts.

Plus, it's low in sugar and carbs, making it a great choice for those on a clean diet. Whether you're a vegan or just looking for a healthy alternative to whey protein, Naked Pea is the perfect solution.

Best for Keto Diet

Anthony's Premium Pea Protein Powder

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Anthony’s Premium Pea Protein Powder

Best for Keto Diet

Why We Are “Wow-ed” By It

Looking for a premium pea protein powder that's both delicious and nutritious? Look no further than Anthony's Pea Protein Powder!

Their pea protein powder is made from only the finest quality peas and is packed with plant-based protein, making it the perfect choice for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone looking for a healthy alternative to animal-based protein powders.

Plus, their pea protein powder is gluten-free, non-GMO, and unflavored, so it can be easily added to your favorite recipes without affecting the taste.

Whether you're shaking up a protein shake, blending up a smoothie bowl, or simply adding it to yogurt or baked goods, Anthony's Pea Protein Powder is a great way to get the protein you need without sacrificing taste or quality.

What “Wow Factors” You Should Know About

With Anthony’s Premium Pea Protein Powder, you can get all the protein you need without resorting to eating a lot of meat.

This high-quality, plant-based protein powder is easy to add to many different recipes, and it’s especially great for smoothies and baking.

Plus, their pea protein powder is low-carb and doesn’t contain any artificial or genetically modified ingredients.

So if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious way to get more protein in your diet, look no further than Anthony’s Premium Pea Protein Powder.

Best for Muscle Recovery

Solo Organic Pea Protein Powder

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Solo Organic Pea Protein Powder

Best for Muscle Recovery

Why We Are “Wow-ed” By It

You know what they say about peas: good things come in small packages. And that's certainly true of their Solo Organic Pea Protein Powder.

Made from Canadian-grown peas, this protein powder is rich in nutrients and low in sodium. It's also vegan, non-GMO, as well as keto, and paleo-friendly.

Plus, it's easy to digest and free of additives. So whether you're looking for a post-workout recovery drink or a meal replacement, this protein powder is a great choice.

It's also perfect for smoothies, thanks to its smooth taste and easy blending with water. So go ahead and add a scoop to your next shake - your muscles will thank you!

What “Wow Factors” You Should Know About

If you're looking for a healthy and delicious way to boost your energy levels and promote weight management, look no further than Solo Organic Pea Protein Powder.

Made from 100% pure and natural peas, their protein powder is low in sodium and rich in amino acids, making it perfect for those who want to build strong bones, muscles, and healthy tissue.

Plus, their unique pH-dependent water-based extraction process ensures that unwanted sodium is removed without harsh chemicals.

And of course, they offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee so that you can buy with confidence.


Our “WOW Factor” Buyer’s Guide

People are often looking for a plant-based protein powder that is low in carbs and calories, and high in fiber.

Most people don't know that pea protein powder is one of the best plant-based sources of protein available.

But we know that you still have questions. No problem. We have the answers. Here are the most frequently asked questions about pea protein powder and our answers to them.

Why is pea protein good for you?

Pea protein is good for you because it's a high-quality plant-based protein that contains all the essential amino acids your body needs. It's also low in carbs and fat, and it's cholesterol-free.

Pea protein is a great choice for people who want to reduce their intake of animal proteins, or for people who are allergic to dairy or eggs. It's also a good choice for vegetarians and vegans. Pea protein is available in powder form, so it can be easily added to smoothies, shakes, or recipes.

Is pea protein inflammatory?

While some people may have sensitivities to pea protein, it is not inherently inflammatory. In fact, pea protein is a source of many essential nutrients, including iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium.

Furthermore, pea protein is also high in fiber and low in calories, making it an ideal option for those looking to improve their overall health.

So while some people may need to avoid pea protein due to sensitivities, for the vast majority of people, pea protein is a healthy and nutritious option.

Which is better pea protein or whey protein?

Whey protein is better than pea protein because it has a complete amino acid profile.

Whey protein is a high-quality, complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscles.

Pea protein, on the other hand, is not a complete protein and does not have all the essential amino acids. This means that if you rely only on pea protein for your muscle-building needs, you may not be getting all the nutrients you need.

That said, pea protein does have some advantages over whey protein. For example, it's lower in calories and has a higher percentage of fiber. It's also dairy-free and vegan-friendly.

So if you're looking for a protein powder that's better for the environment, or if you have a dairy allergy, pea protein may be the best choice for you.

Does pea protein build muscle?

Pea protein is a great source of plant-based protein, and it does contain muscle-building amino acids. However, whether or not pea protein actually helps you build muscle depends on a number of factors, including your diet and exercise routine.

If you're looking to build muscle, it's important to include both high-quality protein and strength training in your regimen. In other words, without strength training, pea protein by itself will not build muscle.

Pea protein can be a part of a healthy diet, but it shouldn't be your only source of protein. Try incorporating other plant-based proteins such as hempseed or soy into your meals to get the most benefit from your diet.

And remember to always consult with a doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.

What are the negatives of pea protein?

Pea protein is a high-quality plant-based protein that is low in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. It also contains all the essential amino acids your body needs to perform optimally.

The main downside to pea protein is that it can cause gas and bloating in some people. This occurs because peas are a high-fiber food. If you're not used to eating foods that are high in fiber, then you may experience some gastrointestinal discomfort when you start incorporating pea protein into your diet.

Another potential downside to pea protein is that it may not be as well tolerated by people with allergies or sensitivities to legumes. So if you have a history of food allergies or sensitivities, it's best to consult with a doctor before adding pea protein to your diet.

Does pea protein have estrogen?

There are some phytoestrogens in pea protein, but not enough to have any significant impact on estrogen levels.

Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that can bind to estrogen receptors in the body. However, they are much weaker than the human hormone estrogen, and they usually only have a very small effect.

In fact, many people believe that phytoestrogens can actually be beneficial because they help to maintain a healthy balance of hormones in the body.

Does pea protein cause kidney stones?

There is some evidence that suggests that pea protein may be linked to kidney stones.

Pea protein is rich in purines, which are molecules that can break down into uric acid. High levels of uric acid are one of the most common risk factors for developing kidney stones.

However, it's important to keep in mind that additional research is needed to confirm whether or not pea protein does indeed cause kidney stones.

Which protein causes joint pain?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as there are many different proteins that can cause joint pain. However, some of the most common proteins that are known to contribute to joint pain include collagen, cartilage, and muscle protein.

Collagen is a major structural protein found in connective tissues throughout the body, including in the joints. When collagen breaks down or is not produced properly, it can lead to joint pain and other problems.

Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet at joints. It acts as a cushion between bones and helps to protect them from wear and tear. When cartilage breaks down or deteriorates, it can lead to joint pain and other problems.

Muscle protein is found in the muscles and tendons that attach them to bones. When these proteins break down or are not produced properly, they can lead to joint pain and other problems.

Can you eat too much pea protein?

Yes, it is possible to eat too much pea protein. Pea protein is a concentrated source of nutrients, so consuming too much of it can lead to nutrient imbalances.

Pea protein is also relatively high in fiber, so eating too much of it can cause digestive issues like bloating and constipation.

If you're considering adding pea protein to your diet, speak with a Registered Dietitian to ensure you're getting the right amount for your needs.

Can pea protein cause bloating?

Pea protein is generally a well-tolerated protein and is unlikely to cause bloating in most people. In fact, it has been shown to be more digestible than some other plant-based proteins.

Since pea protein is relatively high in fiber, consuming large amounts may cause minor bloating in some people.

If you are trying pea protein for the first time and find that you are bloated, try reducing the serving size or switching to another type of plant-based protein.

Which is better pea protein or hemp protein?

There are a few things to consider when deciding between pea protein and hemp protein.

First, hemp protein contains all 20 of the amino acids needed to form a protein, while pea protein does not. This means that hemp protein is a complete protein, while pea protein is not.

Second, hemp protein is high in omega-3 fatty acids, while pea protein is not.

Finally, hemp protein tends to be more expensive than pea protein (which may or may not be an issue for some people).

Overall, if you are looking for a complete plant-based protein that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, hemp protein would be the better choice.

However, if you are looking for an affordable and easily accessible plant-based protein option, peas would be the better choice.

What are the best ways to use pea protein powder?

There are a few different ways that you can use pea protein powder.

One option is to add it to smoothies or shakes.

Another option is to use it as a flour replacement in recipes such as pancakes, muffins, or breads.

You can also use it to make homemade energy bars or balls.

If you are using pea protein powder for the first time, start with a small amount and increase gradually as needed. This will help your body get used to the powder and avoid any digestive issues.

Our Best Advice

Looking for the best pea protein powder? We’ve spent dozens of hours reading thousands of reviews on Amazon from verified customers to find the perfect pea protein powder for your needs.   Here are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all, organic pea protein powders are often accused of not having a complete profile of amino acids and are, therefore, somehow, inferior to other protein powders.  But let's put that into perspective a little bit.  The assumption is that if you ONLY take pea protein powder and nothing else then you would have an incomplete profile of amino acids and that wouldn't be good for you.  And that is true.  But it isn't realistic.

On the one hand, you can decide to take a blend of plant proteins that would therefore give you a complete amino acid profile.  There are plenty of other plant-based protein powders to choose from that would complement pea protein perfectly (check out the protein blend from Orgain Organic Protein for a great option here).

On the other hand, have you stopped eating altogether?  Even a vegan is still eating other plant-based protein sources in their normal diet.  That is more than enough EXTRA amino acids to complement your pea protein intake.  Enough said.

Secondly,  pea protein supplements also have several options available such as organic yellow peas or raw organic protein, or pea protein isolate.  Isolated pea protein is a particularly interesting option and when combined with brown rice protein provides a great amino acid profile.

But whether we talk about brown rice protein blends or raw organic protein or organic yellow peas, the issue is still the same.  Pea protein is still one of the great vegan protein powder options available regardless of what specific variation you decide to choose.

Thirdly, the best pea protein powders are almost always USDA-certified organic with no artificial flavors and colors.  Any company in the top ten categories will have non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, high-quality protein.  That really isn't the issue unless you are buying from an unknown or obscure company.   Companies and brands such as bulk supplements pea protein, vega sport premium protein, or sports nutrition pea protein are all well-known brands that provide a good vegetable pea protein supplement.

You can decide to get unflavored pea protein powder to sprinkle on food or use in recipes or a vanilla flavor to put in smoothies and your protein shakes.  The choice is up to you depending on how you plan to use it.  The good thing about pea protein supplements is how much protein they provide.  Pea protein has a higher amount of grams of protein per serving than whey protein powder, which is interesting.  Some even have branched-chain amino acids added to give it a more complete amino acid profile.

Whether you are interested in a USDA-certified organic option or a pure pea protein option, just remember that when it comes to organic versus pure, organic has third-party certification whereas pure does not.  Choosing organic peas is generally a good choice and organic yellow pea protein appears to be the best of the best.

But you can also choose organic pea protein isolate (especially yellow pea protein isolate) which is a better option than one that claims to be a pure pea protein powder (which is more of a marketing thing than anything else).

Some brands even talk about having a premium pea protein isolate but aren't very clear as to what the premium stands for.  Another issue is whether or not the peas are raw.  Raw yellow peas, hydrolyzed pea protein, and fermented pea protein are also options that you can explore.  Pea protein concentrate with branch chain amino acids is also an interesting choice.

So remember to choose a well-known brand such as Orgain Organic Protein, Garden of Life's Raw Organic Protein Powder, Kos Organic Plant Protein, Vega Sport Premium Protein, or Sports Nutrition Pea Protein (among many others) to make sure you are getting a high quality, healthy product.

Then decide whether you want a premium pea protein isolate for overall health or just one of the best vegan protein powders with a high amount of grams of protein perhaps with a blend of organic vegan rice to focus on muscle growth.

The point is to add pea protein powder to your diet and live dairy free without whey protein by choosing plant-based protein supplements (whether pea protein isolate or a plant-based protein blend (perhaps with organic vegan rice) in order to get more grams of protein per serving into your diet from a vegan-friendly source.

As far as pea protein powders go (and a good pea protein supplement as well), the best option is a high-quality pea protein isolate or a protein blend (both of which would be a dairy-free option of course).

With all of that being said, it is now time to reveal our top choice for the best pea protein powders on the market today.  Drum roll, please...


Our #1 WOW Choice (and why)

The Best Pea Protein Powder for YOU

Our No. #1 WOW Choice for the best pea protein powder is Naked Pea 100% Pea Protein Powder for having the best overall quality.

This pea protein is made from 100% yellow peas grown on environmentally friendly farms in both the USA and Canada.  It contains 27g of protein per serving and 5.7g of BCAAs which makes it perfect for those who are trying to build muscle or recover from a strenuous workout.

It contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors.  It is  GMO-Free, Soy-Free, and Gluten-Free.  It's low in sugar and carbs which makes it perfect for those on a keto diet.  If you are a vegan or just looking for an alternative to Whey Protein, this is the perfect solution.

It certainly has our vote. We hope you agree! Remember to check prices and availability on Amazon by clicking on the red button below the image. As always, the trick is to get started today!

Best Overall Quality

Naked Pea 100% Pea Protein Powder

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The 3 Best Pea Protein Powders

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